PVC : preparation, properties and uses.

      Its monomer unit is vinyl chloride.

           Vinyl chloride is prepared by the treatment of acetylene and HCl in presence of HgCl2 at 100 -200°C temperature.
       A mixture of liquid vinyl chloride and per sulphate catalyst such as sodium per sulphate (Na2S2O8) and H2O are taken in a reactor and shaken vigrously when tiny globules like latex is produce. It is then introduce in a autoclane at 40 - 45 °C temperature. The reaction is get completed at about 72 hours.
                 The polymer particles are then recovered by coagulation by an acid solution. It is then filtered and dried and moulded according to properties desired by using plasticiser, lubricants filter etc.
  • Polyvinyl chloride are chemically inert and does not react with acid and base.
  • It is insulator of heat and electricity.

       Raincoat, coner of electric wire , cable, door all are made by PVC.


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